Foxtrot Weekend.

I didn't want to go. I spent most of Friday evening telling myself that I was not wanted, that I'd only been invited out of politeness, that I hadn't lost enough weight since the summer, that I'd feel on the edges and that actually I should really just stay home. But I'd spent £30+ on my train ticket, I was damn well going!

And it was great. In fact, more than great. It was one of the highlights of my year. Happy Laura right here.

Bright and early Saturday morning I hopped on a train to be reunited with Team Foxtrot.

We arrived, had a spot of lunch and generally spent time chatting, catching up and eating cake...the 3 second rule over the comfy chairs felt like we were back at base! Once everyone had arrived, and Reg had survived a journey with 3 boys who were inevitably plotting his downfall...we headed over to Blaise castle and grounds for a walk as the sun went down. It was BEAUTIFUL and far milder than we anticipated!

Some members of the team, mentioning no names...were plotting to ambush Reg. Instead, they fell over and got a bit muddy...and also turned into big kids on sight of a play park!

We returned to Em's for more cake, dinner and general frivolity. Dinner was for 16 was impressive! We then started on the wine, and yes, more cake. The evening involved lots of laughs, a couple of board games (the rules to Cranium are surprisingly difficult once you've had a few glasses of wine...) and more chit chat. Oh...and some of use found it all just a bit too much and fell asleep...

 Sunday involved a huge pub lunch at a lovely pub called The Lansdown in Clifton. I had lasagne with salad and garlic bread, the portion was enough for 3! The last bit of excitement for the afternoon was provided by Izzy's car beginning to roll towards a fairly steep drop as we all got in, but we survived the journey to the station in one piece and all made our trains home with minutes to spare.

I had such a lovely weekend (even if it did take me 8 hours to get home) and I'm so blessed to be part of the Foxtrot family, already can;t wait for when I see them next :)

Big thankyou to Izzy for being super organised and for Em for providing me with somewhere to sleep and being a generally amazing host all round!



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