
Apologies, this is going to be completely ineloquent (is that even a word?!) but it's gone midnight, I'm watching Love Actually so I'm somewhat distracted by the lovely Colin Firth!

Yesterday, I had a rubbish day. Today I decided to stay in bed to avoid a repeat of yesterday's crap day. Productive? No. But hey, I was tired and my plans got cancelled so I spent most of the day curled up under my duvet watching catch up TV. It was pleasantly interrupted by lunchtime, where Vicky and I decided to have enchiladas and dance around to Christmas music. Followed by a nap. I don't know why but I've been feeling pretty miserable the past couple of days, various stressful things have happened and I just feel tearful and yucky. So when it came to decision about whether to get up and go to Team Night tonight I umm-ed and ahh-ed for a while before deciding I probably should go.

And I am SO glad I went. It was Christmas/advent themed. Liz gave a fantastic talk on light and in particular Jesus, the Light of the World. "It's in our darkest moments that we see the light the most" and I've found this to be so true in my life, particularly in the past year. It's when things have seemed the most desperate, the most hopeless that I've really felt God's presence and love, really found the hope to pick myself up and get on with life. She also reminded us/me that there is a difference between condemnation and conviction.

Condemnation: "the condition of being strongly disapproved of"


Conviction: "an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence"

It made me remember Romans 8:1 - "So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus." I am not disapproved of, God will never see me in that way however, I do feel convicted to change parts of my life due to my faith. Conviction generally requires action, it is something we have some control over, it is something we can change.

I had a fantastic evening spending time with friends, praying, worshipping and generally getting to know each other and God more.

The night started with festive headwear and props and decorating our wonderful Christmas tree.

We then had the final round of the inter-team competition and of course MegRyan won. We got a trophy and a huge box of celebrations. I love my team so much, they're all so friendly and loving and it's fantastic having a group of people I can laugh with, cry with, sing with, pray with and all manner of other exciting things.

My wonderful team, check out those pouts! I am so so blessed to have these guys in my life. The bottom photo is Meg and Ryan, our leaders and namesakes. They're such great role models and I'm loving sharing my journey with them.

 We then all got given an advent candle. Cue lots of excitement from me - I've never had one before! We lit them and started to burn them down ready for the start of December and while they were all lit we prayed for the rest of our team, for the coming month when maybe we won't see each other so much as people will go home. It was really poignant and when we light them each day we'll remember what advent is about but also to pray for each other.

I am absolutely loving this new journey I'm on, I feel like I'm growing in faith every day.



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