Tank Empty, Heart Full.

Say hello to some of this years student leaders...

I return from some time away with CCK student leaders feeling completely exhausted but glad to have been a part of it. We spent our time getting to know each other, getting to know our mission better and getting to know Jesus on a deeper level. Lots of worship, prayer, fun and games and not very much sleep!

I so didn't want to be there, I don't feel worthy of being a leader, I don't feel like I belong at CCK, that I have friends, that anyone cares about me, there are cliques of which I belong to none. I feel like the other leaders look at me, judge me and think I've just screwed up too much. CCK can be very lonely at times, being in a big church and feeling like no-one knows your name is horrible. However, I was invited and a couple of people really encouraged me to go, so I did. And what did we spend a lot of time focussing on?

CCK has cliques that need combating AND no-one has gone too far from God/sinned so much that they can't be used for God's work. A bit of a coincidence? Maybe. God? Definitely.

As a student zone, we're a community on a mission to make Jesus known. We're not just Christians. We don't just go to church on Sundays. It's not just about our personal relationship with God. We are disciples with a purpose - we want to enable Christians to get to know God more and help those who don't know Jesus to find Him. The greatest thing about being away with this group was remembering that we are all different people, with different backgrounds who have committed many different sins, yet on the cross, Jesus took away the rubbish and gave us His perfection so that we can live out our lives for Him. The only qualification any of us needs to be a part of Jesus' mission is His forgiveness. It is not about or skills or our gifts, but His forgiveness and His presence in our lives.

"There's no such things as perfect people, there's no such thing as a perfect life, so come as you are, broken and scarred and be amazed and be changed, by a perfect God". - Natalie Grant

This year, we need to try more than ever before to combat the cliques, to make every single person who walks through that door welcome, to remember more than just names and faces, to remember peoples stories. We've got a great new preaching series coming up answering questions that the people of Brighton have voted for, we've got some great fresher's packs all ready to go and many many social events coming up (yes, they all involve food). I may not always feel like I belong but I'm more than ready to embrace the next few months of craziness! So yes, I will be trekking up to campus on Sundays to welcome people onto the bus. I will be smiling at people I don't recognise and trying to start a conversation - even if I would rather be eaten by lions! I will be sticking around after church rather than heading straight for my duvet.

We'll be making Jesus known, by making people known.


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