God clothes us with His love.

I was serving on COG's at the racecourse this morning. Orange and green kidlings are aged between 2 and a half years old to six years old. It's a lovely age group and I work with a fantastic team. Today I surprised myself and rejigged my perception of COG's. I learnt something new as well as hopefully teaching the children :)

We're currently working through a storybook Bible and today we were talking about the Fall and the fact that Adam and Eve had to leave the garden. One image most people will have when they think about creation is this;

Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and realised they were naked. They covered themselves with fig leaves. When God sent them away from Eden He clothed them (Genesis 3:21 "The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them"). Today's title however, God clothes us with His love. We were banished from Eden but we were not abandoned. As humans were are covered by His love, we are clothed in it when we go about our every day lives. It was a perspective I'd never seen on that story before. 

The memory verse reminded us of his all consuming love too..."See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" 1 John 3:1. Liz explained to the children that lavished is extravagant, it's like it's being poured all over us and God is not holding back. 

I hope I live my life out in a way that shows God's love to others. It's hard work, inside my head I'm a pretty horrible person...but I'm trying to do it in His strength, but that's a whole other post.



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