The Financial Lost Sheep

Last Sunday, Liz Wood preached and her honesty struck me to tears. She was preaching on the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15:1-7) and how we can wander from God an  get lost ourselves.

Like sheep, we don't intend to get lost - it just happens from a chain of small, seemingly insignificant bad choices. However, the great news is, that no matter how lost we feel, Jesus is greater. The shepherd wouldn't give up until he found the sheep and likewise, Jesus carries things through to completion. He knows me personally and comes to find me where I am. He would have died for me, even if I was the only person on earth.

But how do we deal with lostness?

We can accept lostness or we can surrender that area of or lives. Jesus carries us home, no questions asked. It's on the day that we surrender that we find true freedom.

The preach was good, but what struck me was Liz's honesty with backing it up with her own life experience. She talked about finances and debt and this is an area where God ha  been really challenging me recently. I've finished education (for the time being) and have the inevitable student debt that follows. I am also currently very financially stretched while I wait to start full time employment. I've never been the best at money management and although I'm getting better I do have an overwhelming compulsion to spend money to deal with stress. This becomes a dangerous cycle when the initial stress is financial!

My daily devotional has recently focussed on finances and how important it is to get out of debt and know you're financially stable. So my aim for the next year is to get my overdraft to less than £1000 - I'll still have my student debt but I'll be one step closer to a debt free life.

Liz's honesty was the prod I needed after a week of biblical prompts to start taking control of my finances. She gave me hope that my finance can be in sync with the rest of my life and not something I try to hide from God...I'll try to remain accountable to people over the next year and maybe others will be inspired the way Liz inspired me.



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