The Waiting Game.

Getting a job is one long waiting game...

You apply then wait to hear if you got to interview.
You get an interview, you wait until interview day.
You go to interview, they're running late, you wait.
You leave your interview, you wait to hear if you were successful.

And after all that? If you're successful? You wait for HR. You wait for occupational health. You wait for DBS.

I am so ready to start!

And yes, that means I got the job. I'm so excited.

But impatient. So incredibly impatient.

Working will be a huge challenge. It's going to push my body to it's limits. But I really just want to get stuck in and give it a go.

I'm still in total shock at having got the job, it's a huge confidence boost to know that I am good enough.

I am good enough.



  1. So pleased for you. I really hope it all goes well and you know us other potsies are here for you along the way love from Laura D x

    1. Thanks Laura! Also, if you ever fancy doing a guest post about POTS let me know! x


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