
Showing posts from June, 2013

10 things about recovery...

Watching "Don't Call Me Crazy" this week was incredibly close to home. I was never an inpatient, but I've had friends who have been as well as my fair share of involvement with the mental health system. For many years now I've had friends with eating disorders and likewise for many years, I was very entrenched in my own eating disorder and depression. Recently, I've begun to realise just how 'recovered' I am. I don't think an eating disorder ever truly goes away and I am certain the pain it once caused is never forgotten. I am however, now able to live a virtually 'normal' life and recovery means I can enjoy so many things that I'd once lost. It's always good to reflect on how far you've come...and maybe I can give my friend's hope too. 10 things recovery gave me: Covent garden soup with bread and butter - none of this watery cuppa soup and rice cakes A genuine smile in front of the camera    Napping because I wan...

The Waiting Game.

Getting a job is one long waiting game... You apply then wait to hear if you got to interview. You get an interview, you wait until interview day. You go to interview, they're running late, you wait. You leave your interview, you wait to hear if you were successful. And after all that? If you're successful? You wait for HR. You wait for occupational health. You wait for DBS. I am so ready to start! And yes, that means I got the job. I'm so excited. But impatient. So incredibly impatient. Working will be a huge challenge. It's going to push my body to it's limits. But I really just want to get stuck in and give it a go. I'm still in total shock at having got the job, it's a huge confidence boost to know that I am good enough. I am good enough. :-)


Last week at church we were talking about the borders we put up in our lives, the points of resistance that maybe we're not willing to let God touch yet. A big point of resistance for me at the moment is trusting God with my future. Over and over again I become overwhelmed by fear and worry. This has prompted me to look back over seminars and talks I've heard on the subject in the past and there's one in particular that came to mind - it was a talk at Momentum last year by Will Vanderhart called Overcoming Worry: real solutions to a persistent problem . It can be purchased here if you fancy listening to the actual talk. Now, I don't see myself as an actively anxious person, but I am someone who stresses about her future and tends to catastrophise and spend my time imagining worst case scenarios where I'm destitute, jobless, homeless and generally just not living out the life I thought I would. Anyway, I also find it helpful to refresh myself on what I've lea...