Placement and POTS.
So...I have made lots of online friends who also have dysautonomia and POTS. A lot of them feel pretty hopeless and it's sad to see that some are losing hope that they can achieve and get their life back. Some have even suggested I'm taking on too much by attempting such an intense Uni. degree and that I might as well give up now. However, I refuse to lose hope and I hope that my experiences of placement whilst relatively stable might help bring some hope back to them. Bright and early this morning! Today was my first day. I made a few mistakes POTS wise but it's okay, I'll learn and get it better tomorrow. So, in one short day the things I have learned about POTS and placement: Fluids. I completely forgot to drink when I usually drink upwards of 3 litres a day. By 5pm, I'd probably had no more than 600mls. Consequently, I have the most horrific headache (to the point where I've thrown up) and my blood pressure is a rather measly 90/61. Tomorrow will i...