
Showing posts from June, 2012

Breaking Point.

Such a challenging preach this weekend...not one I wanted to hear, but a couple of people have pointed out that I *needed* to hear it. If you want to hear the full preach then clicky here . The preach will be dated 17th June and titled Breaking Point and should appear soon! The passage: 1 Samuel 27 and 1 Samuel 28:1-2 Personally I took a lot from it, and I know many others did too. So here are my highlights... 1. "If I knew how near I was, I'd never have quit" - we often give up because we can't see the end, even though it may be just moments away. It's not knowing when it will end that can make pain/suffering so excruciating - we can rationalise it when we can see the end. 2. It is never right to quit trusting God. Jesus died for me, He went through greater suffering than I will ever face, I can trust that nothing I go through is worse than what He experienced. We get burned because we put our trust in people rather than God. 3. In this ch. David trusts...