God Loves Ugly.

"What I believed wasn't the truth, but I still lived every moment under its power. I couldn't help it. Every move that I made, every word that came out of my mouth, the way I treated people, and the way I let them treat me was a direct result of an inner list of beliefs written on the fabric of my existence. My truth was: I'm dirty. My truth was: I'm ugly. My truth was : I'm unworthy of love. So as an innocent little girl, learning the ropes of life, I did what any little girl in my position would do. I acted out what I believed to be true."

Christa Black.

When I opened this book I assumed it would be another cheesy "just love yourself because God loves you". It wasn't. It got to the heart of things and it was SO relatable. I believe(d) I was these derogatory things so they became my life. I've just picked out some key quotes that really spoke to me, but in general I loved the whole book. It made me cry, it made me think about the way I treat myself and it made me realise that God Loves Ugly. He loves the useless, the unworthy, the ugly. He thinks I'm worth dying for...and I didn't even do anything to deserve that! However, the book didn't preach at me, didn't shove God down my throat. She just showed God's love for herself, for me, for everyone else who reads the book. Scripture is great, but just knowing God loves you can do so much good.

"The lie that I was unworthy, unlovable, tarnished and dirty crippled me for years to come, even though it wasn't remotely true."

"Do not compare your pain. Pain is pain is pain is pain. The pain of a privileged child being shipped off to boarding school is just as crippling to that person as someone who has been orphaned, beaten or sexually abused. Deal with your life and your situation, and do not compare yourself to others around you. Everyone, despite the details of his or her story, has the same opportunity to find freedom...no one is a lost cause. No one is a hopeless case. No one."

Christa also talks about "The Hidden Messages From Water" which involved taking pictures of water molecules and how they reacted to words/music. "When the words 'You make me sick. I will kill you' were spoken into water, or typed out and taped on the side of the glass, the molecules responded with disgust - sharp, harsh, jagged figures were photographed time and time again. But on the other side of the spectrum, every time the words 'love and appreciation were released, pictures were taken of beautiful crystalline shapes that graced the water."

"If every human is made up of 70 percent water content, and the molecular structure of water responds to words, thoughts, ideas, and music, then what do you think you physical body has to endure every time you look in the mirror and either speak or think 'I hate myself'?"

"If the Jesus you've met in the faces of His followers has been anything but pure, unconditional, life changing, overwhelming buckets of lavish love and truth and grace and goodness and mercy...you haven't met the Jesus I have."

There's more that I could say but you should go read it for yourself :)

Thank you Hazel for recommending it!


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