
 Ash Wednesday (today) marks the start of Lent. I usually give up something "typical" - chocolate, sweets, treats. However, the only motivation behind it is losing weight/being healthier and given my last post I've decided that this year I won't bother (especially as I always just set myself up to fail!). Instead, this year I'm planning to read my Bible more during the time coming up to Easter as it's something I'm not very good at spending time doing. I'll let you know how that goes...

Got a lot of stuff that I need to do at the moment, being unemployed is time consuming! I need to ring the JobCentre as they haven't rung me yet, their 48 hours ended over a week ago! I also need to contact student finance and make sure they don't pay me any more money and send a letter confirming that I'm intermitting due to illness. Then there's the job applications. I am so so bored of rejections but I must persevere. I'm not sure what's worse, the people that say they don't want you or the people that just ignore the fact you applied.

Started serving at Mum's prayer this morning. I love children. Had some lovely cuddles, got buried alive, built a train track, drew a lion, sang songs and made lots of noise with the musical instruments! Definitely going to try and go each week...it's a great opportunity to do something I love and get to know people in Brighton who aren't students.

Now to work, to make a feeble attempt at having enough money for April's rent...


  1. Hi Laura, How is the Lent Bible reading going then? Not easy if you're anything like lots of us! I found this inspirational and practical last year :-) Much love
    PS Come and see us sometime soon!!

    1. It's going horrendously but I shall persevere! I have a new journal though which is always good motivation. And I've just finished reading a book called "God Loves Ugly" by Christa Black which was really good, even if it wasn't too theological, more spiritual/general God loves you goodness!


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