Too well to be sick, too sick to be well.

I have a chronic illness, I will more than likely always have said illness in some shape or form. At times I am totally debilitated by it, but for the most part...I manage, I have a full time job and things are okay. I am one of the "lucky" ones. I can stand, I can walk...heck, I can even exercise if I'm careful. I can work full-time, cook for myself, drive. But sometimes being "well" isn't all it's cracked up to be. Because in reality... I am still ill. I am still dizzy. I am still fatigued. I am still breathless. I am still nauseous. I am still in pain. Too well to be sick, too sick to be truly well. Financially and physically, I am better off if I don't work. Emotionally...I love healthcare, I love my job, my future prospects. And I genuinely mean that, I enjoy at least some parts of every shift. I always leave feeling fulfilled. I will continue to work for as long as my body will allow. I hope I am working for many many years to come....